Starship Troopers 3 Movie Review

The third and final live action Starship Troopers movie, Marauder sought to bring the series back from the dark, dark low budget hell of Hero of the Federation. How'd they do? Well.. they got 2 million more dollars horror movie and also went straight to DVD. However, they managed to prove why a low budget (blog post) and DVD release are no excuse f

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I have Covid? - not clickbait

Well that's a fine how do you do. Of note: I'm feeling quite a bit horror movie reviews worse since recording. Might be the 4 hours of sleep I got last night, ...Source: I have Covid? - not clickbait - Decker ShadoMore Videos

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Killjoy 2 Movie Review

Every time I see one of these movies, I am left wondering just how they managed to get so many sequels, because if you Killjoy 2 Deliverance from Evil thought Killjoy 1 was bad OH BOY you haven't seen Killjoy 2 yet.In this installment, we get less of the clown, on less sets, with far less creativity or visibility and an even less coherent plot and

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